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Friday, August 2, 2013


My husband and I attended a San Jose Giants baseball game last week. Its always an exciting time. While I'm not an avid sports fan per se, I do love the atmosphere and general experience of attending a game once or twice during the summer months. Being outdoors on a warm evening, singing the National Anthem and “Take Me out to the Ball Game,” hearing the “crack of the baseball bats, ” and the roar of the cheering crowds, all make for a fun and refreshing event.

We always request seats right behind the baseball scouts. They sit up close to the playing field facing home plate. Scouts use velocity speed guns to track the speed at which a ball is pitched. They also look for clean and smooth deliveries, aggressiveness, and control when sizing up pitchers. Catchers, fielders, and hitters are judged by other attributes. One quality which is a must for all players is a passion for the game.

As I was watching the scouts I was reminded that the Lord is also observing us, seeing our potential, and thinking of ways in which He can use us in His Kingdom. While professional scouts are competitive in their mindset, our Lord is always gracious, loving, and understanding. He many times chooses those people who are considered weak by the world's standards, and turns them into his greatest team players. Many of the disciples, for instance, were lowly, unrefined, and obscure among their countrymen.

However, Jesus, looks not at the outward man but rather on the the heart

The apostle Paul was actually on the wrong team, persecuting the Lord and his people, when God touched and recruited him. Although deceived and misguided, Paul was passionate and zealous for that which he believed to be true. The Lord discerned Paul's fervor and knew what he would accomplish for the Kingdom once he “saw the light.”

God is not necessarily searching for the most talented or gifted, but rather for those believers who have humble, compassionate, and willing hearts. He will use those who seek Him, love Him, and have a heart to serve.

“The Lord does not look at the things people look at. 
People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 
1 Samuel 16:7 

“The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen 
those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” 
2 Chronicles 16:9 

By Cathy Friberg 

1 comment:

  1. If you think about it it is absolutely amazing the criteria that God uses to choose the people He does for doing His work. He sees a characteristic of the person that does not seem to the casual observer to be an asset but rather a flaw. Then He uses it this "flaw" His way to bring His goals into the world. Amazing. You have hit the nail on the head, Cathy.
    God bless...
