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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hoarding or Sharing


Which Side of the Revolution are You On?

The series that our pastor is doing this month is calling for a revolution.  It has made me squirm at time, as it seems to be pointing directly at me.  Those really are the best sermons; as they spark my desire to grow in Christ and find my true purpose in this life.  I know in my head that we are meant to draw others to The Lord; but have been conditioned to believe that the actual work is meant for those who serve in vocational ministry; not for us “regular folk”.  We may tell ourselves that we just need to learn how to become better versions of who we are today. 

But Jesus called each one of us to follow Him.  He drew thousands to Himself; accepting the betrayal that would change the world though His suffering and miraculous resurrection.  Knowing this, I should be able to lead at least one or two people to salvation, shouldn’t I?

I can be a good person, attend church regularly, physically serve in ministry, do all of the work in the latest Bible study, and still be lacking.  We can be full of faith-trivia, but still unable to grow, because we are afraid to, “pour out” what we know; in case we are left with nothing for ourselves.  But if we do not share with those around us, the work that others have done to pour into us will become stagnant and useless.  We need to keep the flow of the Holy Spirit running through us, fulfilling Jesus’ call for us to go out into the world with His Good News.

Holding your knowledge of the Lord inside of your own head and heart is the worst kind of hoarding.  It is no different from the people who become prisoners of the stuff that fills up their homes; making it impossible for them to receive what they really need to live as they should.

Not sharing our faith is the opposite of finding our purpose.  It’s as if you found your dream job, with a salary that was beyond your greatest expectations.  Payday comes and you receive a check with more zeros than you can count.  You hurry home and sit at the table, looking at this wonderful piece of paper.  It is so wonderful; you cannot imagine taking it to the bank to deposit.  You just want to look at this check, daydreaming about all of the things you can do with the money.  Fabulous trips to exotic places, where you can meet people from other cultures; a bigger home, where you can have lavish parties, entertaining your friends; and giving your family their hearts desire.

But you cannot bring yourself to cash or deposit the check, so you cannot spend your earnings.  Eventually, you can only read the numbers on the paper in your hand during the day, because your electricity is cut off.  You cannot eat, because you will not buy food.   Eventually, you starve because you held on to the one thing that could have enriched you and so many others.

How much richer is the one who uses their earnings to make deposits; spends when required and gives freely when asked?  What may seem like a sacrifice today, can become the one thing that causes blessings to abound in your own life.   The sacrifices made but not acknowledged or seen by the people around us will surely increase our joy in heaven.

Father God, Thank You for filling me to overflowing and pressing Your words through me, so they flow from my lips in spite my immature thoughts. Please continue to use me when and where and how you choose.  I am not always comfortable with the way You challenge me, but I love You for wanting me to become the woman who You will call home one day. I praise and thank You, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

“But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering 
on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, 
I am glad and rejoice with all of you. 
So you too should be glad and rejoice with me.”  
Philippians 2 17-18

Written by
Lynda Kinnard

1 comment:

  1. I want to be on this side of the street participating in the revolution, To hoard will clutter our minds and lives in such a way that clarity can not be found.
    God bless.
