I am an avid gardener.
My results may not be that impressive, however I absolutely love the process.
Being outdoors, weeding, trimming, and watering is one of my most enjoyable and
therapeutic pursuits. Recently I was trimming a bush in front of my house. Much
to my amazement I discovered a carefully woven nest cradling two adorable baby
birds and a stunning tiny blue egg. As I hovered over the nest, the fledglings
stretched up their necks and opened their beaks wide in anticipation of food.
After my initial feeling of delight at this precious finding, a flood of dismay
and remorse came over me. What had I done? With no more leaves and branches
covering their home these newborn chicks were exposed and vulnerable.
their mother return to nuture and care for them?
I went into the house to
search on line for advice. Interfere as little as possible was the main
recommendation. Watch to see if the mother returns within two hours. I
immediately went into prayer mode. “Lord, not a sparrow falls to the ground
without you knowing it,” I reminded the Father. (Matthew 10:29) I must
admit I had a good deal of anxiety until the mother bird did return. Also that night
as I lay in bed I could't help but think how much colder it must be for mama that
evening tending to her babies, with no foliage to shelter her from
above. I continued in prayer, asking God to let her stay on task and not give
up. The next day she was sitting faithfully at her post. I continued to
petition our Creator as I knew it would be much hotter during the
afternoon for the family without the covering which I had clipped away. I
kept checking each day, ecstatic to find that all was well, until finally the
nest was totally vacated. I had a peace that the youngsters had matured enough
to venture out on their own.
The lesson I came away
from this experience with was that often times we make mistakes which cause
harm to others. Even as believers, ignorance or weakness in our own character
can cause us to do things which we truly regret. An unkind word, a thoughtless
action, forgetfulness, or even a moment of apathy can hurt those we love.
Sometimes we are the victims of such unintentional wrongdoings. However, when
we bring our missteps to God in prayer,
He can make all things right. He will
never leave us or forsake us.
(Hebrews 13:5)
He gives us wisdom and doesn't
rebuke us for asking for it.
(James 1:5)
God abounds with creative and
innovative ideas to bring restoration and healing. He can touch the hearts of
those we have offended, giving them grace to understand and forgive. Our
Heavenly Father can and will even turn the whole situation around for
everyone's good and for His glory. We are so blessed to have a merciful and all
powerful God who will come to our aid no matter how hopeless the circumstance
appears. He is our redeemer and His love never fails.
By Cathy Friberg
I like your conclusions which were built on your thoughts about your thoughts concerning an ordinary happening in the garden. Your thoughts bring Godly inspiration to a person's understanding. This is great food for thought, and I am happy that He will never leave us or forsake us and while He is so near He is working to make things right.
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