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Sunday, December 7, 2014


12/8/14...December Writing

I think one of the most valuable lessons I have learned as a Christian is to trust in the Lord without reservation. It is a lesson I have learned mostly through experience and validated by the Word of God. As a new believer, trusting did not come easy for me. I had a stable childhood with a very faithful and loving mother. However, my dad died when I was three years old. Perhaps his absence made it more difficult for me to feel that God would be there for me as an adult. At any rate after years of God showing Himself strong on my behalf and coming through for me in every possible circumstance, I can emphatically say that God is indeed trustworthy! He shows up in every situation, orchestrating the details of our lives with loving care and creativity. In our darkest trials He is faithful to comfort us and work those miracles we need. 

“Trust me in your time of trouble, 
and I will rescue you and you will give me glory.” 
Psalm 50:15 (NLT)

I was pondering about the birth of Jesus this season. It came to me that the Christmas Story began with God asking the Saviour's earthly parents to trust in Him unconditionally. Mary was visited by the Angel Gabriel and was told that she, a virgin, was to conceive the Saviour of the world through the power of the Holy Spirit. This was an honor that truly required faith! 

Similarly, Joseph was told by an angel in a dream that his fiancee, Mary, had conceived the child in her womb supernaturally. He was instructed to marry her and care for this Christ child. Thus, the birthing of the King of Kings into this earth realm began as journey of trust. To become a follower of Jesus, the first requirement seems to be that of faith and trust.

When we believe in and rely on Jesus we can begin to truly see His character and attributes. He is loving, compassionate, merciful, forgiving, pure, holy, righteous, just, steadfast, changeless, true, magnificent and “altogether lovely.” When we gaze upon the Lord in worship and adoration we are changed into His image and likeness.

As we honor the Lord this Christmas season let us pray for others to experience the joy of trusting wholeheartedly in Him.

Written by
Cathy Friberg

1 comment:

  1. In all history it is the people who trust in God who have made a difference. Tonight I am watching "Women of the Bible," and every one of them in their own way trusted in God and were willing to do His will. sometimes this is hard, because the ways of God and the thoughts of God are not always understood by us. It we do trust great things will happen as God uses us to be his handmaidens...His hands and feet on earth.

    God bless...
