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Sunday, December 7, 2014


12/8/14...December Writing

I think one of the most valuable lessons I have learned as a Christian is to trust in the Lord without reservation. It is a lesson I have learned mostly through experience and validated by the Word of God. As a new believer, trusting did not come easy for me. I had a stable childhood with a very faithful and loving mother. However, my dad died when I was three years old. Perhaps his absence made it more difficult for me to feel that God would be there for me as an adult. At any rate after years of God showing Himself strong on my behalf and coming through for me in every possible circumstance, I can emphatically say that God is indeed trustworthy! He shows up in every situation, orchestrating the details of our lives with loving care and creativity. In our darkest trials He is faithful to comfort us and work those miracles we need. 

“Trust me in your time of trouble, 
and I will rescue you and you will give me glory.” 
Psalm 50:15 (NLT)

I was pondering about the birth of Jesus this season. It came to me that the Christmas Story began with God asking the Saviour's earthly parents to trust in Him unconditionally. Mary was visited by the Angel Gabriel and was told that she, a virgin, was to conceive the Saviour of the world through the power of the Holy Spirit. This was an honor that truly required faith! 

Similarly, Joseph was told by an angel in a dream that his fiancee, Mary, had conceived the child in her womb supernaturally. He was instructed to marry her and care for this Christ child. Thus, the birthing of the King of Kings into this earth realm began as journey of trust. To become a follower of Jesus, the first requirement seems to be that of faith and trust.

When we believe in and rely on Jesus we can begin to truly see His character and attributes. He is loving, compassionate, merciful, forgiving, pure, holy, righteous, just, steadfast, changeless, true, magnificent and “altogether lovely.” When we gaze upon the Lord in worship and adoration we are changed into His image and likeness.

As we honor the Lord this Christmas season let us pray for others to experience the joy of trusting wholeheartedly in Him.

Written by
Cathy Friberg

Monday, November 24, 2014

A Bump on the Head, or Worse...November Writing


A Bump on the Head, or Worse

This morning, as I walked from the train station to my office, I passed a couple headed in the opposite direction, sharing a bike.   He was in front, standing as he pedaled and she sat on the seat, holding his waist and laughing.  It was an endearing site, until the Mom in me kicked in, and I wondered why they were not wearing helmets.

Of course, I never wore a helmet while riding my bike, downhill, on a curve, with the handlebars coming loose halfway down.  I survived, so I was hopeful they would as well. 
I did offer up a prayer for them, just in case.  After all, I am where I am because of the prayers of others, which lead me back to God and His grace.

The encounter got me thinking about some of the movies and TV shows where the main character gets a bump on the head and is transported back to a turning point in their lives, so they could change a key moment and alter their future for the better.  Of course, I began the, “I wonder what would have happened if I’d…” game in my head – again.  I stopped myself quickly, as I needed to focus on crossing the street and getting to work in one piece.  And, unless I am planning to write about it, there is no benefit in trying to replay my past.  Except…if I review and acknowledge the many times that the Holy Spirit has helped me change direction and saved me from my own short-sighted selfishness.

The guilt from my past mistakes should be a memory too; as I thank the Lord, for His mercy and grace.  Just imagine if we actually showed traces of each bad choice we ever made on the part of our body that made it.  I would be missing most of my toes, at least one hand, one eye and not have a mouth, for sure!

But thankfully, Our Father is so gracious and kind, not only does he forgive us when we confess, but He truly forgets.  And His Son bore the scars for all of our wrongdoings, so we could appear wholly acceptable and deserving of heaven!

Thank you, Father God, for having my wrong choices erased by Your offering of love through the sacrifice of Your son, Jesus Christ.  I pray that I remain aware and grateful for all of the scars I do not bear, as I accept Your forgiveness, which I could never earn on my own.  Please keep me humble and help me show the world how wonderful it is to live in the glow of Your Divine and Perfect Love.  I pray this, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many were of noble birth.  But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.  God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are,  so that no one may boast before him.  It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption.  Therefore, as it is written:
“Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.” 
1 Corinthians 1:26-31(NIV) 

 Written by
Lynda Kinnard – November 2014

Please be sure to read what the person is thinking zzzz
as you listen to what God is saying.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


The Lord has been speaking to me lately about the importance of praising and worshiping Him through song and dance. First of all, God is so worthy of all of our praise. We could spend the rest of our lives thanking and extolling Him for sending His Son to die that we might be saved. God's goodness, power, strength, love, mercy, compassion, billance and beauty are just a few of His attributes which delight and amaze those who know Him.

The Word of God says that God inhabits the praises of His people. ( Psalm 22:3) When we praise Jesus we seem to die to self. We drop our own agendas, release our anxieties, and allow the Holy Spirit to take control of our lives and situations. Have you ever noticed how refreshed and envigorated you feel after singing praises to our Lord? 

“And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, 
He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life 
to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you.” 
Romans 8:11 (NIV)“ 

As we concentrate on God 's greatness and glory, we realize that He can and will protect, provide for, heal, and bless us. Our faith is renewed and strengthened as we behold the sovereignity of our King.

I love the story of Paul and Silas. They were suffering in prison, bound with chains, and things for them were looking pretty glum. Yet, with pure hearts they chose to sing praises to God. Lo and behold they were set free as the prison doors flew open and all the prisoners chains fell off. What a marvelous example of how God will set us free from all kinds of negative circumstances as we lift Him up in worship.

I feel that we raise up a canopy of Divine protection as we glorify the Lord. 

“I called to the Lord who is worthy of praise, and have been saved from my enemies.” 
2 Samuel 22 :4 (NIV) 

In these days of peril and uncertainty, lets push back the powers of darkness and fill the atmosphere with praises to our most deserving Lord and Saviour. Let's turn on our praise music, break out the tamborines, and sing and dance with our little children! They will be filled with joy and learn how to do battle with the enemy at the same time.

By Cathy Friberg

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


                  There is a right time for everything:  

A time to be born; A time to die;
A time to plant; A time to harvest;

A time to kill; A time to heal;

A time to destroy; A time to rebuild;

A time to cry; A time to laugh;
A time to grieve; A time to dance;
A time for scattering stones;
A time for gathering stones;
A time to hug; A time not to hug;
A time to find; A time to lose;
A time for keeping; A time for throwing away;
A time to tear; A time to repair;
A time to be quiet; A time to speak up;
A time for loving; A time for hating;
A time for war; A time for peace.

Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 
Living Bible

             When I was young, the new school year began in September—fall—a new beginning bundled with excitement, anticipation, new experiences, seeing my friends and meeting new ones.
            Fall was the time to look forward to new: notebooks, pencils, lunch box, and a few clothes.  I especially loved the new box of underpants presented in a divided box for the seven days of the week; the day was embroidered on the side of each pair greeting me in seven different glorious colors.
            When I began my career as a teacher, I relived the excitement of a new school year.   I found enjoyment in purchasing a new, crisp, clean, teacher’s plan book and, I treated myself to some new outfits and always new underwear.
            When I became Dean of the Department, my life still revolved around the academic year; only now August had become the beginning of the new school year.
As a retired person, I still carry 

the image of fall offering up

new beginnings.  I think of 
my mom

as I 
design and arrange my fall
centerpiece for my dining room 

table; I remember her taking delight 

welcoming each new season 

and holiday with different table 

decorations.  I love hanging the colorful dried leaves and flowers put together in a wreath my granddaughter made when she was in elementary school. I find myself smiling a
I set out new, tall, thin, tapers, the color of exquisite burnt orange.

            As I write, this I realize the word “Ours” has now melted into “My.”
For 31 years Eddie and I loved cooking Thanksgiving Dinner for our families—now there are no more Thanksgivings at my home.  Last year I gave my daughter our beautiful china platter, which held our turkeys for all those fun and wonderful years of celebration; now it’s time for new traditions to be born.
            I welcome Fall with its pumpkin lattes, pumpkin bagels, my sister’s tasty pumpkin bread, my daughters delicious pumpkin cookies, and I applaud and give thanks  for   God’s  gifts of colorful leaves and crisp fresh air setting the scene for new experiences and discoveries for me to make about living my life forward.
            The changes of the seasons reminds us that God’s love for us is everlasting and always there for us each day of our lives.  I say “Thank You.”
Written by Connie Clark

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Through it all

10 /24/14

Today I am welcoming a new writer to our Writing Staff. Terri Baker is a friend and an insightful person. She has five adult children and a granddaughter. Her son Daniel is a pastor at our church. Terri works in the youth program every week.
In this writing she is being real. That is how she is. Her insights will be edifying to others as they read her post which will occur once a month. Welcome my friend. She is a loyal and loving friend who always says good by in her special way....."Mwaaaaaah!!" 

Thank you and back at you, Terri!

Do you ever feel yourself falling deep into a dark pit, lost and alone?  One minute life is grand. You feel so special,  so happy,  surrounded by love.  Then there you are, out of the blue, just like that, on your own to sink or swim.  You find yourself looking up grasping for all the hands you believe will be there, reaching in to save you.  All of those people you know, your family, your friends, those who claim to love you?  You ask yourself, where are they?  It is getting darker and darker.   Deeper and deeper you go. You wish for someone to come rescue you. Yet you ask no one.  You are alone.  You begin to believe that you are not worthy.  You begin attacking yourself with questions. Where have I failed?  What is wrong with me?  You hide in your hiding place, hang your head and can no longer stop the tears. Depression can suck the life out of us.  It hurts so bad.  

For years I found myself there. That was until the year 2005.      

This is what I learned since then.  It is not just me but in fact we all come to a place like this in our lives.  Some of us more often then others.  Some go deeper than others. Sadly, some go so deep they can no longer see the light of day.  There are so many things that can bring us to this spot.  An overload of responsibility, unpaid bills, losing your home, needs for your family that you cannot afford, jobs we hate, worldly people that bring us down, kids that are rebellious or that we fear for because of their life choices, illness in ourselves or those we love.  And then there is that ugly, painful past that keeps sneaking back up on you, piece by piece.   So very many things.   

Depression can suck the life out of us.  
We often believe its the things in our lives that lead us to this place of darkness, and yes, they can.   But more often then we realize,  God Himself often brings us here.  Not for punishment or to cause us pain but to begin our healing. When we least expect it He will plop it down, right there in front of us. A heap we see as a mountain too high, too painful to climb.   

People fail us but God never fails.  He knows everything about us.

I do have friends that always care, but He knows when I need them. He tells me when it is time for my one on one's with Him. He also blesses us with His warriers, our precious friends who pray for us. We are not alone. We need to look up, way up

He always meets us there!  His out stretched hand not just reaching to grab us, but pulling us up on our feet.  He blesses us with his people, those I like to call, Angels on earth that pray for us and who help to make His plans for us so clear to see when we cannot hear Him talking.  He is always there making us stronger, making us wiser, giving us freedom and healing us from the inside out!  

God does not want us to suffer, but allows us time to face the things that cause us pain. He gives us the heart to forgive who or what it was that caused that pain.

He built us to face and conquer our demons. 

So, the next time you are feeling alone in a dark place,  know... He is right beside you all the way.  You are, in fact, in a very blessed place, able to spend one on one time with the very best friend you will ever have.   He who has suffered for us.   He enables us to stand taller and stronger than ever before, ready to fight the next battle., whether it be our own or someone else's.  It is all in His perfect plan.  Trust Him  

He is a healing God. He loves us more than life!  

Today, my life is far from perfect.  I still suffer illness, depressing times and even subtle reminders of things from my past that begin burning what feels like holes in my heart.  It is just so much easier now, knowing it is His plan and knowing…that Jesus is beside me holding my hand, through it all!  

Written by
Terri Baker

Thursday, October 2, 2014



This month I wanted to share with you some information regarding the Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem. It is coming up this Sunday October 5th. Israel is very dear to my heart, as I'm sure she is to all of you. It seems the closer we draw to the Lord, the more we cherish the Holy Land and her people. The Word of God commands us to pray for Israel and promises us a blessing when we obey. 

Psalm 122:6 reads: 
“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.”

Genesis 12:3 speaks of Israel and states that 
“I (the Lord) will bless those who bless you.”

“ On the first Sunday of every October, hundreds of millions of people around the world join together to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” To see how you can personally participate in this event go to: Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem – Official Site or to www.daytopray.com   
I find it so exciting to be able to unite with others in such a powerful call to prayer. The Lord led me to discover a beautiful prayer for Jerusalem which I wanted to share:

Father, you are the God of Israel and they 
are your people. .........................................................................Isaiah 45:3 
Save them with an everlasting salvation....................................Isaiah 45:17
Raise them up in righteousness and direct all their ways..........Isaiah 45:13
Be a shelter for your people and the strength
for the children of Israel
Joel 3:16 
Bring health and healing to them and their land.
Let Israel be to you a name of praise, and an honor
before all nations of the earth
Jeremiah 33:9
Restore everything that has been removed from them...............Joel 2: 25
Seek out your sheep and deliver them from the peoples
and countries where they were scattered and bring them
to their own land
Ezekiel 34:12-13 
I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. May they
prosper that love you
Psalm 122:6
Lord, cause their enemies to cease from the land......................Ezekiel 34:25
Make them and the places all around Jerusalem  
a blessing and cause showers of blessing to come 
down in their season...................................................................Ezekiel 34:26 
Let your people dwell safely in their land......................................Ezekiel 34:27 
Delivered from trouble from all the kingdoms 
of the earth...................................................................Jeremiah 34:17

May God bless you.....

Shared by 
Cathy Friberg

Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Answer....A Rap


If no one is coming down to set us straight
Then man alone must stop the hate
Just more of man’s laws to get fair and just
Yet our coins say “In God We Trust”

Hopeless man tries from his birth
To make Heaven right here on Earth
Try to make everything fair & square
Impossible for him, he doesn’t stand a prayer

Now if life here is all there is

Then at the end, there’ll be no pop quiz
Don’t stress, just pleasures be our goal
Let’s chop up the babies for birth control

But how can we all live as brothers?
Well righteousness and peace kiss each other          Psalm 85:10
Not everyone will serve the Lord
Jesus said "Sell your coat & buy a sword"                 Luke 22:36

War raged within me till the Prince of Peace             Isa. 9:6
Held my soul and gave me release
Victory every time, I’ve found the key
I just let God do the fighting for me

Now Shadrack, Mesach and Abednego
Dragged to Babylon, a long time ago
Had cool names and let me tell you mo
Fire couldn’t burn these three home bro                    Dan. 3

You may be believe you can up from the slime
And cleaned yourself up over time
Some like me are no accident
Created in His image, I was a blessed event

Brothers, sisters be it known

This big blue marble is not our home
Cause His eye is on the sparrow
Even on us when we’re down & low                         Matt. 10:29

Peace and justice can be real thin
When you’re looking for the answer blowing in the wind
Love flows out like hot fudge sauce
For those who are not ashamed of the cross

Today’s the day, let us sing & shout
Our troops are in and Satan is out
Shouts of joy for the Perfect Lamb                            John 1:29
What a great day to be an American

No need to be angry & full of despair
And go out cursing like Madeline O’Hare
Real peace and joy will overflow your cup
Just give it all to Jesus & keep looking up                Psalm 118:9

Written by
Luana Layton
    © 2002

Monday, September 1, 2014


September Writing

A recent joy filled visit from our little granddaughters reminded me of the fact that my husband and I used to kneel down with our children each night and pray The Lord's Prayer with them. I think, as parents, we used this prayer with our children as a teaching tool. We felt that the rote nature of this prayer also brought comfort and security to our youngsters. Lingering over this memory caused me to realize that the “Our Father” is no longer a part of my everyday prayer life.

As I contemplated the text of the Lord's Prayer, I was drawn to the phrase “Hallowed be Thy name.” Essentially it is a plea that the Lord's name be kept holy, revered, respected, and cherished. It came to me that over the last 40-50 years many have been dishonoring God's precious name. In fact, with worldly television programs, licentious movies, ungodly rap music and internet entries, never has there been a time in history when the Lord's name has been so frequently and disgracefully blasphemed. And never has there been a time when so many millions of people have heard and internalized this profanity either willingly or with reluctant tolerance.

It does seem that the recitation of the Lord's Prayer used to be much more common among the members of the Body of Christ. We have progressed so far in the area of teaching on prayer, that I fear we have neglected the old tried and true basics. I feel impressed to attempt to, at least occasionally, reincorporate the “Our Father” into my prayer time. I wonder if any one else is feeling so led. It would be extraordinarily powerful if the Church would, in unity, pray that God's name would once again be honored, and that the desecration of His name would cease. It grieves my heart that God's name is so widely profaned. It must break our Heavenly Father's heart because He loves us so dearly and has sacrificed the life of His precious Son that we might all be saved and sanctified.

My hope is that we would all regain our sensitivity to the sacredness of that “Name which is above all Names.” May we once again uplift and reverence the title of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain;
 for the Lord will not hold him guiltless
 that taketh his name in vain.” 
(Exodus 20:7)

Written By Cathy Friberg


Monday, July 28, 2014


August Writing #1

Recently I have been praying a new prayer before I read the Bible during my devotional time. I have been asking the Holy Spirit to illuminate my heart. I have been asking God to show me what He is clearly communicating in Scripture. Since praying this prayer it seems that I am seeing something brand new to me in the Word every day.

I have read the story of Paul and Silas in prison in the book of Acts many times. I have always been inspired by the fact that these two devoted servants of God managed to praise and worship the Lord in the midst of their suffering. Being beaten, bruised and incarcerated did not stop them from praying and singing praises to God. According to the book of Acts their worship was followed by an earthquake which shook the foundations of the prison. Paul and Silas' chains fell off and the prison doors miraculously opened. I am soundly familiar with this account. I call it to mind when I feel imprisoned by negative circumstances in my life. On numerous occasions I have followed the example of these mighty men of God. I have thanked the Lord and praised and worshiped Him in the midst of personal pain. And time and time again circumstances in my life have turned around for my good and for God's glory. However, this time when I read Acts 16 I saw that not only did Paul and Silas' chains fall off but the chains of “all” the prisoners fell off. It allowed me to see that when we praise and worship, not only are we set free from bondages or evil circumstances. Those around us and within our sphere of influence are also set free. I saw that when we seek the Lord that there is greater purpose than for merely our own sanctification, redemption and blessing. Paul and Silas used their freedom to bring salvation to the jailer and his family. Likewise we can use our spiritual liberty to restore others.

I am thankful that the Lord has prompted me to pray for His revelation as I read His Word. I am looking at Bible passages from a fresh perspective. Each parable, discourse, or excerpt takes on unique nuances and implications. I am seeing answers to questions which have puzzled me in times past. I am able to make new applications from Scripture in my own life. Most of all I am grateful for the Bread of Life Himself who constantly enlightens, renews, refreshes, and restores.

“The friend, the Holy Spirit whom the Father
will send at My request, 
will make everything plain to you.” 
John 14:26
(The Message Bible)

“His anointing teaches you about all things 
and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit 
~ just as it has taught you, remain in him.”
1 John 2:27 

By Cathy Friberg