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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day and Night Skies and The Blue Hour


God called the light “day,” 
and the darkness he called “night.” 
And there was evening, 
and there was morning
—the first day.  
Genesis 1:5

Many people classify themselves as a morning or night person.  I have wavered between the two, at different points in my life.  When I was young, I loved sleeping late; and relished a chance to stay up way past my bedtime.  This morphed into my single adult life, when going out for the evening did not start until 11:00 p.m.

Marriage and Motherhood changed this, as my babies sleep-schedule became mine.  Enjoying the quiet morning time, I welcomed the morning sun with my infant daughter, and two years later, my son.  Watching the growing light reveal the shadowy places in neighborhood, slowly turning the dark shapes in the living room back into the familiar furnishings of our home.

The promise of a new day. Sunlit or filled with misty clouds; daybreak means God’s grace flows to us once again.  Birds everywhere call out to one another, celebrating a new day of flight.

Wonderful mornings, where just a small piece of a rainbow appears in the sky, just ahead; showing me the way I need to go.  A band of color that leaves me awestruck with wonder, especially when there has been no sign of rain.  How can I not be filled with joy?

I enjoy the late-night sky as well.  Seeing the phases of the moon and shifting stars change from night to night, week to week, season to season.  Their brightness defying the darkness.  Allowing me to witness God’s splendor, as one star shoots across my line of sight, just as I turn my head as if called by name.  I relish those silent symphonies of light, a gift of love from My Heavenly Father.   

These moments fill my heart, again and again.  Perhaps this love will sustain me when earthly facts shake my world again and I find myself stranded between pain and fear.  I want to build a prayer-life that reflects the ways God shows His love to us.  Day and night and the times in-between.  The times we can miss, while we are busy trying to hold on for a few more moments of sleep, or just a little more daylight.  We can miss the Blue Hour.

In French, “L'heure bleue”, is the time when the light is shifting, when everything seems slightly hazy, and tinged with a blue that seems to flow from everything. The edges of day and night, when the air itself it filtered through nature’s most romantic lens.  Sunrise bringing definition to things, sunset, softening the sharp edges, creating a kindness of sorts to my perspective of the world.  

These moments remind me that our lives are constantly changing, and we are unaware of the many possible outcomes.  This is when God and His angels are needed most, when we are oblivious to the transitions that could lead to glory or plunge us into disaster.

So now, I will look for The Blue Hour whenever I can.  To give thanks for where I am and to pray for the wisdom to hold on to the Lord through whatever is coming.

 And God said, “ 
Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, 
and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years,  
and let them be lights in the vault of the sky  to give light on the earth.” 
And it was so.  

God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day 
and the lesser light to govern the night. 
He also made the stars.  God set them in the vault of the sky 
to give light on the earth, to govern the day and the night, 
and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good.  
And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day.” 
Genesis 1:15-19

Written by
Lynda Kinnard

Friday, January 10, 2014

Laying Hold of an Unshakable Trust in our Lord

“Trust in Him at all times…
pour out your heart before Him”
Psalm 62:8

According to this Psalm, “trusting” and “pouring out” are inseparable.  If we are to trust God at all times, including the darkest times, then we must be pouring out our hearts to Him without ceasing.  Become bolder as we call upon the name of the Lord.  

“The Lord is my helper, 
and I will not fear what man can do to me”. 
 Hebrews 13:6

Revelation from God’s Word will uphold us in the hardest of times.  David learned to call on the Lord in every part of his life.  This godly man ran to his secret place, emptying all his fears before the Lord.  Later, when the biggest storm of David’s life came upon him, he was ready.  He already had a song in his heart that he could sing through darkness and uncertainty:  

“The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer, 
the God of my strength, in Him will I trust; He is my shield….
I will call on the Lord, who is worthy to be praised; 
so shall I be saved from my enemies”  
2 Samuel 22:2-4  

As David delighted his soul in God’s Word so shall we.

God wants to give us particular, specific promises for specific times in our lives.  He wants us to lay hold of these promises with our hearts, so we may stand strong and assured as we reason with Him.  We need special trust when an act of obedience casts us into the unknown.  God demanded of Abraham to step out into an unknown future.  Nobody could touch him. God was his shield and protector every day.  Because of his faith, Abraham became a friend to God.  When God asks us to step out into the unknown, it is not a one-time event.  It is a walk that’s required our entire lifetime.  Yet our obedience wins us a great reward. Genesis 15:1, “God told Abram: ‘Fear not, I am your shield, and your exceedingly great reward’.”  God is telling us that those who obey Him –who step out not knowing what will happen to them or their lives, yet blindly trusting in his Word – will never be outside of his protection.  He says that I will hover over them as a shield, I will be their reward, and I will give Myself to them.

Whenever we step out in faithful obedience, the devil will bring some enticement to draw us back to the side of disobedience.  Obedience will always cost us something!  God’s Word abounds with special, specific promises for those who are called to step out in obedience…

          “If you will indeed obey my voice, and keep my covenant,
 then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people.”  
Exodus 19:5.

         “Obey my voice, and I will be your God, 
and ye shall be My people: and walk in all the ways 
that I have commanded you that it may be well with you.”
 Jeremiah 7:23 

We also have an ironclad promise that the Holy Spirit
 will be with us through all our steps of obedience and times of testing: 
“We are his witnesses to these things; and so also is the Holy Spirit, 
whom God hath given to those that obey him.” 
Acts 5:32.

If God is telling you to lay something down, step out and do it.  The Bible clearly says that if you obey the Lord, He will give you the Holy Spirit to be your guide and your strength.  He will provide you with everything you need to complete the act of obedience.  We need a special trust when God speaks to our hearts.  We've got to be able to discern these times, so we can ask God for the specific trust needed to see us through what’s ahead. 

“If you will indeed obey my voice, and keep my covenant,
 then you shall be a special treasure unto Me above all people”.  
Exodus 19:5

This oath from God must always be the foundation of our trust.  Let it be your whole argument at the throne of grace.

Written by

Nancy Spence

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Many Parts in One Body

As a child of the 1950's whose dad passed away when I was three years old, I was taught to be self-reliant and, as far as possible, not to be dependent on others. However, during the latter passages of my life I can think of at least three instances when the Lord used Christian friends to powerfully impact my well-being. I have endured some extreme tests of my faith and Godly friends have prayed and offered wisdom, guidance, encouragement and support to see me through to victory. Truly without their prayers and love I would not have been an overcomer in these circumstances. Of course, all the glory goes to God and He was the one who offered me their love. I will be eternally grateful for these friends' dedication and obedience to God, and for their compassion towards me.

We are definitely one body in Christ and dependent on others to carry out the ultimate purposes of God in our lives. As I look back with gratitude for the love of fellow believers, I pray that during the coming year I can be willing and available to help others as the Holy Spirit leads.

“Let each of you look 
not only to his own interests, 
but also to the 
interests of others.” 
Philippians 2:4

“So it is with Christ's body. 
We are many parts of one body, 
and we all belong to each other.”
Romans 12:5

By Cathy Friberg