WOMEN'S FOCUS MINISTRIES provides this collection of writings by talented women who participate on our WRITING STAFF. You will find that these blogs are not only beautifully written but also are inspiring and interesting. ENJOY!
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Monday, March 4, 2013
It's tax season and the Liberty Tax service sign spinners can now be seen out on busy city street corners. As I was waiting at a stop sign the other day, I gazed at a young man dressed as the Statue of Liberty dancing about on the sidewalk. I marveled at his energy and courage. He was donned in a long blue gown, wearing a crown and wielding a sign advertsing his employer's business. He lept around, willing to look the fool, and actually putting himself in harm's way as cars whizzed by, not an arm's length away. I was sure that whatever his financial compensation for this task was, that it was not near enough. Still, his smile seemed surprisingly authentic and made me begin to ponder.
As Christians are we as willing to go out on a limb for our Saviour? God's heart is for souls to be saved. He longs with passion for a lost and wayward world to come to know, trust, and love Him and to share eternal life with Him. As His agents here on earth we need to be willing to throw ourselves into His cause. In order to draw the lost to Him many times we need to put ourselves into inconvenient, sometimes even hazardous situations. Like the side walk sign spinners we may feel foolish, work tirelessly, and yet need to maintain an air of winsome confidence. Our wages are infinitely higher than those of the Liberty Tax workers. After all, we will be rewarded with an eternity of heaveny bliss. We may hear those coveted words from our Master, “Well done good and faithful servant.” While laborers are out reminding people that it's time to prepare for tax return day, let's be about our father's business. As we love, serve, pray, counsel, comfort, and minister let's remind the world (and the church) to prepare for the coming of the Lord.
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