This is a prayer written with teachings of AA in mind. In AA people are encouraged to give all to God and submit themselves to Him. The 12 steps work for many people to be delivered from Alcoholism it they are worked and God is sought. These principles also hold for people who are not alcoholics face many of their challenges and problems in life and find victory.
12 step prayer
God, I admit I am powerless and my life is unmanageable without Your help and guidance. I come to You today knowing that You can and will restore and renew me to my needs of the day, and that You will restore my life to order and harmony. Since I am powerless and You are all powerful, I make decision to give You my life, my will, my thoughts, my ambitions; I give You all of me, the good and the bad. All of my character... defects and shortcomings, .my selfishness, self-centeredness, resentments, self-will. . .all of my defects I admit to You and give to You.
I turn my loved ones over to You and the old idea that I can change them. I turn my problems over to you knowing You can work them out for the good of all concerned. I humbly ask You to remove these shortcomings from me; if there is any changing, You'll have to do it and make me willing to be changed so that You can use me to be of service to You. Help me and keep me ever mindful of the people I have harmed and keep me willing to make amends to them all. Please teach me to watch for the sly little foxes that creep back into my life. The sins of my personality that harm You, myself, and others that separate and cut me off from the sunshine of Your spirit. And when I commit these errors, make me aware of them and help me to promptly admit it.
Please show me the way to one of Your children today who is still suffering and does not know the way of Your love, mercy and forgiveness that I might share with them what has been so freely given to me. Prompt me to be ever loving, giving, caring, sharing, surrendering, accepting, releasing, grateful, and honest in. all my affairs, Amen ( in Jesus name I pray)
Shared by
Angie Madison
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