Cathy Friberg sends me a new writing every month, and I usually post it shortly after the beginning of the month. I am posting this early because I think it is an excellent writing to ponder on during Holy Week as we prepare for Resurrection Sunday or should I say Sonday. May you be blessed during this week and be able to revel in what our God has done for His children.
Love and God bless.....Corinne Mustafa
Having been raised in the church, as a child, I knew intellectually that Jesus died on the cross and was raised from the dead. However, as an adult, I truly became a “born again Christian.” It was then that I began to comprehend the tremendous sacrifice which the Heavenly Father and His Son made for us. I was pondering the scriptures one day. After reading an account of the mocking, scourging and crucifixion of the Lord in the New Testament, I found myself saying with amazement, ........ “And they did that to God?”....... Immediately I heard the words, “And I did it for you.” The Holy Spirit had spoken to me, touching me with a glimpse of the the passion, intensity, and intimacy of Christ's work on the cross. That word ministered to me deep within my soul. It happened over thirty years ago but I remember it as if it were yesterday.
The classic song, “How Great Thou Art” contains a verse which reads,
“And when I think,That God, His Son not sparing; Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in; That on that cross, My burden gladly bearing, He bled and died to take away my sin.” Yes, as I contemplate the magnitude of Christ's atonement I too, “can scarcely take it in.”

How great is our God who would humble Himself to such an extent for His creation.
My prayer is that God would grant me the grace to forgive others as Christ has forgiven me. I ask our Father that I might show even a portion of the compassion and self sacrifice which the Lord has demonstrated to all of humanity. As this season celebrating the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ comes to a close may we all, filled with the Holy Spirit, seek to emulate the example of unconditional love which our Savior has shown to us.
By Cathy Friberg
This writing is filled with beauty and understanding of the miracles that happened for our Salvation during Holy Week.