Every morning hardly and ever missing a day,I start the day on my knees praying for my family, friends and anything else the Lordmay placon my heart to pray for. I look back at the years andit is amazingthe safety, blessings, andthe coverings that have been over my immediate family. Coincidence? I don't think so. All through scripture the Lord makes mention over and over again the value of seeking Him, listening to Him, being directed by Him, not serving other idols or depending on anyone or anything else but Him. He is a jealous God.
He has taught me as I John I states that there is no need for man to teach you anythingfor the Holy Spirit will teach you all things. If we take the time to pray and listen to our Lord, we will soon realize that He speaks to us every day and in every way. He is often just waiting for usjust take the time to fellowship with Him and spend time with Him.
He is a patient God and will wait but will also give signs, nudging us to spend time with Him so He can properly direct us in our lives. As you get up in the morning asking the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, direct, and protect you and your loved ones, he will graciously not only do that but guide you throughout the day. We just need to take the time to listen and wait on Him.
We must make sure that we pass the torch unto the next generation to keep the fire burning for the Lord and the heavenly protection going through prayer so that He can be glorified through all generations to come and not ever be forgotten.
Always seeking Him in all that we do is the only way to live a life of prosperity, peace and contentment.
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