After reading "Heaven" by Randy Alcorn my whole perspective on living on this earth has changed drastically. Over and over again it is expressed how the scriptures continually speak about the New Jerusalem that we will be leaving in and what the Lord has planned for us. The life living in the New Jerusalem is the life in whichGod intended for us to live before the fall of Adam and Eve in the garden.
There would be a life of no sickeness, no decay, no sorrow but one of blessings to enjoy thebeauty of all of His creations. A life devoted to worshipping the Lord and being in His presence. The ability to talk with Him and enjoy life with Him. Living inan environment in which you do not have to worry about being mistreated or not trusting or being hurt or hurting anyone. A life of holiness and well being. A life of joy without the dread of worry or concern that at any moment tragedy might strike.
There are times in our rushed life that we wish that we would have more time to spend with those we love or do the things we truly enjoy, but the business of work and trying to make a living and other committments get in the way. Today as I was thinking I was imagining that all unfinished business would get finished. That talk we wanted to have with our mom before she passed away, the love we want to share with a loved one that is just so difficult to love and won't receive it, the burning love that we have inside but seems to be imprisoned because of circumstances of the past and cannot be unleased, that child who left this world way to young, or that tragic accident that took that life when you would have loved to spend more time with them.
I envision a life of total outward expression, unhindered by lack of trust or a defensive attitude as to not get hurt but a total expression of how the Lord would want us to love. We will have the total freedom without the memory of harsh feelings getting in the way. We will have time in heaven that in which we never seem to have enough of here. We will know what is important and our lives will flow from one event to another unrushed, but relaxed and full of God's glory.
We need to strive to have a little bit of that heaven here on earth as much as we can.Until that day we will have the hope of an eternal happiness and glory with our Lord who has promised us just that in His word, which is the truth.
Written by KCB
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